10 Reasons Why You should Consider Brown Rice as a Weight Loss Food

Why You should Consider Brown Rice as a Weight Loss Food

Why you should consider brown rice as a weight loss food? Maybe you are losing weight or are planning to lose weight. Losing weight is not only done with physical exercise, but we also have to think about how the body incorporates foods that can help metabolism. There are a number of foods that are important for you to consider for weight loss. However, the content of nutrients and dietary fiber is important to note. Consuming certain foods can sometimes burn the body’s calories or make the body full quickly so that the daily supply of food will be minimal. One of them is brown rice, with its nutritional content, it is suitable to be considered as an important food in weight loss.

Many people lose weight but end up failing or what they get is obesity. There is also a temporary success but then the weight returns to normal. This is all because they do not support each other, are not in harmony between activities, sports and food, including not providing rest for the body so that the body is under certain conditions of stress and causes you to snack a lot. So, here what we want to convey is that there are many reasons why you should consider brown rice as a weight loss food. In terms of taste, maybe brown rice is less attractive than white rice, but the efficacy of brown rice is far above white rice, so you should try it.

Talking about rice as a staple food, we have long consumed white rice as a daily food to fulfill the body’s nutrition. But there is something lacking, where white rice is still less attractive than brown rice in terms of the health benefits it provides. Brown rice is rich with benefits including in metabolizing the body properly. Foods that can increase your body’s metabolism are important to pay attention to, this is your opportunity to lose weight. Not only reducing sugar intake, but fiber and various other nutrients are quite abundant from brown rice. So, brown rice is still crowned as a healthy food that should replace white rice. If you can’t replace it in every bite of staple food, then try brown rice for those of you who want to lose weight and want to maintain a balance of weight.

See: Is Rice Good for Weight Loss?

Rice is a very common food consumed in the world, even as a staple food for most of the people who inhabit this earth. However, there are very many types of rice and the ones that are often used are white rice and brown rice. If we compare the two, the most delicious is white rice, and the healthiest is brown rice. Brown rice is also the best alternative for maintaining health, including losing weight. Why is brown rice important in losing weight? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should consider brown rice for your weight loss.

How to Use Brown Rice for Weight Loss?

Brown rice is a versatile food that is always suitable for consumption in various forms. Not only that, it’s also nutrient-dense and filling and has fewer calories.

For comparison: If we consume 200 calories of brown rice, this already makes us full. But if you eat 200 calories of potato chips, this will actually make you want to keep snacking and increase the portion of chips. So, it is clear that brown rice is the best food for weight loss.

See too: Benefits of Rice and Similar Plants for Humans

So white rice vs brown rice. White rice contains more calories where in one cup of white rice contains 245 calories, while one cup of brown rice contains only 220 calories. Indeed at first glance the difference in this number is not so much, but when you increase the portion of white rice in your daily diet, then this will be a very big difference in calorie supply when you eat white rice vs brown rice.

So, very intelligent people choose brown rice as food when losing weight. Even brown rice is good as a food to keep your weight balanced.

Some of Extraordinary Benefits of Brown Rice

Talking about the health benefits of brown rice cannot be separated from its high fiber content. High fiber is very influential for health, not only improve digestive health, but also can lower cholesterol and lose weight, this will prevent many diseases. That’s the importance of a high-fiber diet. One food that is rich in fiber is brown rice. Consuming brown rice every day provides many benefits related to gut and heart health as well as diabetes prevention and even weight loss.

The human need for fiber cannot be denied. We need about 20 to 40 grams of fiber every day. If you are a woman under the age of 50, you need 21 grams to 28 grams of fiber per day. While men under 50 need more fiber daily, they need 30 to 38 grams per day. While people who are over 50 years old, the daily fiber needs must be even more for the optimal functioning of the body’s organs. So, the role of fiber is very decisive in making our bodies healthy and always free of disease.

But generally people only get a supply of fiber as much as 16 grams per day. This is far from what is recommended for optimal health. So, including brown rice in the daily diet or as a staple food is a brilliant idea to maintain health. Just imagine, one cup of brown rice already contains 6 grams of fiber. This is the best way to lose weight and maintain a healthy body. Scientifically, there is no reason for us not to like brown rice. Foods rich in fiber, nutrient dense and filling without carrying a lot of calories into the body.

1. Help lower blood pressure

A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology states that brown rice is a good food for weight loss. Those who consume brown rice not only get the ideal weight but also experience a natural reduction in blood pressure.

That is, eating brown rice is a good health alternative. It can prevent high blood pressure, prevent diabetes and can lose weight.

2. Get more daily nutrition

Consuming brown rice for weight loss is the right choice. You see, everyone who loses weight, he must also pay attention to the body’s nutritional levels, brown rice is a nutrient-dense food and there are even some nutrients that are not in white rice but are found in brown rice. Brown rice is a food rich in antioxidants that will prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.

Brown rice contains several nutrients that are not found in white rice. These are niacin, thamine, manganese, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and iron. All of these nutrients are important for muscle tissue, both to increase metabolism and as a source of energy.

Brown rice nutrition information (daily value)

In addition, the antioxidant content in brown rice becomes a strong shield or protector against the risk of cancer.

3. Brown rice is beneficial for reducing visceral fat

Visceral fat is fat that is harmful in the body, this fat grows around important organs of the body. That’s why people say that the more visceral fat in your body, the more health risks you face.

Alhamdulillah, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition seems to be a breath of fresh air and extraordinary hope. It is said that consuming brown rice every day can eliminate visceral fat that grows in the abdomen. In addition to weight loss reasons, eliminating these harmful fats is sometimes a motivation for some people to replace white rice with brown rice because brown rice is a healthier choice.

4. Benefits of brown rice to lower blood sugar

The magnesium saturation is very high in brown rice, so it is one of the best options for lowering blood sugar levels. So, brown rice is a healthy food for pre-diabetes and diabetics. In addition, it is also beneficial for diabetics because brown rice is a slow-digesting carbohydrate food. This will prevent spikes in blood sugar because the production of sugar from food will be processed slowly.

The study of a group of women who consumed whole grains was surprising. Those who like to eat whole grains experience a 30% reduction in blood sugar compared to those who don’t like to eat whole grains. Among the grains are rice and brown rice is higher in nutrients.

5. It Keeps You Full Longer

Brown rice is a food that will keep you full longer. The high fiber content makes this food very good to hold your hunger. Losing weight is not only with exercise but more importantly a healthy diet. If you exercise like crazy without consuming foods that can delay hunger, you will not be able to lose any fat in your body. Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. So, it is important to pay attention to brown rice which is rich in fiber as a supporting food for weight loss.

The fiber in brown rice will keep you full longer because this fiber makes brown rice digest longer. This will allow you to stay hungry until your next meal.

6. Brown rice reduces fat in the blood

Brown rice also contains lignans, these are plant-based compounds that are anti-inflammatory and this will have a good effect on your arteries. In addition, it will also lower the concentration of fat in the blood. when blood fat is reduced, the blood will be smooth, avoiding high blood pressure and stroke.

See too: The Bloodwood Tree (Pterocarpus Angolensis)

7. Lowers the risk of heart disease

This is also the effect of lowering fat in the blood. As long as blood fat or cholesterol is low, the risk of heart disease remains low. There are about 45 studies that say this works well, whole grains including brown rice are important foods for heart health because they can minimize blood cholesterol. The study said that people who ate more whole grains had a 21% lower risk of heart disease than those who didn’t eat whole grains.

8. Benefits of brown rice for weight loss

These are important benefits of brown rice and because of this we wrote this article. If you want to lose weight or maintain a normal weight. So the best choice is to consume fiber-rich grains such as brown rice. So, there are many reasons why you should consider brown rice in your weight loss.

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People who make brown rice as their daily diet have lower body weight. Research shows that brown rice is beneficial not only for losing weight, but also reducing your waist size.

9. Brown Rice Full of Selenium

Selenium is an important mineral for boosting immunity. When you start a diet to lose weight, of course you limit your calorie intake, this will make you often weak, and this condition can make it easier for diseases to attack the body’s immunity. But by consuming brown rice, you don’t need to worry because it is rich in selenium which can strengthen your body’s immunity.

Another benefit of selenium is that it is good for your thyroid health. The thyroid is a gland in the throat that looks like a butterfly’s wing. Its function is very complex, it controls various functions including the body’s metabolism. if you suffer from thyroid disorders then you are very difficult to lose weight. So, consuming selenium-rich foods like brown rice is the best way to keep your thyroid healthy so that your weight loss plan is a success.

10. Brown Rice is an Affordable and Healthy Food

This is healthy food and the price is also affordable and the availability is also very much. We can easily find it in the grocery market.

Make brown rice as your daily healthy meal, or as a snack that is eaten with other ingredients. You can search online for various kinds of brown rice recipes.

11. Add brown rice in your every meal

During a diet to lose weight, you certainly limit your food intake, but this is not true. If you want to lose weight well for the long term in a sustainable manner, you must include lots of healthy foods in your diet. Your diet should consist of vegetables, protein, nuts, seeds and healthy fats. One of the healthy grains to eat is brown rice. If you don’t know how to treat brown rice, below we share some ideas on how to consume brown rice.

  1. Breakfast – For breakfast, you can add brown rice in some eggs, tofu, black beans, avocados and salsa for a filling start to your day.
  2. Lunch – Fried black bean burger and brown rice. Use whole grain bread for this meal. You can also add a little hummus for a richer nutrient.
  3. Delicious dinner – you can make your favorite sambal, add a little brown rice for a slightly warmer taste.


Brown rice is a food that is rich in health benefits. To get the benefits of brown rice, you can consume it in various ways, including as food for breakfast. The high fiber content makes it a good weight loss food. The content is beneficial not only for the intestines, but also for heart health, prevents sugar spikes and is good for general health. The fiber in brown rice is quite high, in one cup you can get 6 grams of the daily recommended fiber.

Brown rice is also beneficial for thyroid health which is a very important function in weight loss. If the thyroid is no longer healthy, then a person will no longer be able to lose weight. The nutritional content in brown rice has been scientifically tested from various studies conducted. So, the benefits of brown rice for weight loss are clearly scientifically proven.

Fiber makes you feel full longer. The slow absorption and digestion of fiber is good for health, including preventing spikes in blood sugar. Slow digestion of fiber is also beneficial to suppress your appetite because you are always full. This is good for preventing eating or snacking between meals. You can refrain from food until the next meal comes. This really helps you in losing weight. So, what we said in the title of the article is very important, you should consider brown rice as a healthy food for weight loss.

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