Health Benefits of Dates

Do you often eat dates, here we see the benefits of consuming dates for health

Health Benefits of Dates

Health benefits of dates – Dates are a well-known fruit from Saudi Arabia, they also exist in several other countries in the Middle East. Dates are not only good as a source of energy, but also have other health benefits so they are widely used in various health therapies.

The health benefits of dates can be obtained optimally if consumed regularly every day. You can consume just a few grains a day.

9 Health Benefits of Dates

Here are some of the benefits of dates for health based on nutritional content as quoted from various sources. May be useful

1. Prevent cancer

Dates are fruits that are rich in antioxidants, these compounds are very beneficial for health in warding off free radicals that cause abnormal cells. Consuming dates regularly is a great way to prevent cancer.

2. Rich in fiber

The high fiber content in dates makes this fruit very good for digestion. Fiber is an important element that the body needs to move waste so that it is easily excreted from the body. Not only that, the health benefits of dates are also great for lowering body cholesterol.

3. Tannins

Tannins are important minerals commonly found in foods including dates. The Tannins are also antioxidants that are useful for preventing infection and also function as anti-inflammatory.

4. Iron

The health benefits of dates from their iron content. Iron is an essential mineral for healthy blood, so iron deficiency can lead to anemia.

5. Rich in calcium

The calcium content in dates makes this fruit very good for healthy teeth and bones. Calcium is a substance that is essential for health. In addition, the calcium in dates is also very good for muscle contraction.

6. Manganese Content

In dates also contain manganese. Do you know what manganese is? Manganese is a substance rich in antioxidant enzymes and is able to prevent cancer cells.

7. Magnesium

The health benefits of dates from the magnesium content are also the same as the benefits of calcium content, which helps the growth of bones and teeth and maintains their health.

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8. Contains copper

Copper is another substance found in dates, copper is an important substance because it can produce red blood cells. So copper plays a role in balancing blood cells.

9. Rich in vitamins

Dates also contain important vitamins for health. Among the vitamins present in dates are B-complex, Vitamin K and vitamin A. So, the health benefits of dates can also protect the skin and eyes.

Those are some of the health benefits of dates for the body that we should know. This great benefit will be obtained when consumed regularly. Consuming regularly is better than consuming large amounts of dates, but only occasionally.

Benefits of Dates for Pregnant Women and Fetus

Pregnant women need energy, need stable blood, so it is advisable to eat lots of dates. Dates provide postpartum energy and can add needed red blood cells. The fetus is carrying enough red blood cells and calcium and iron for proper body development.

That is why pregnant women often experience anemia. Lack of red blood because it is distributed to the fetus. Dates can solve this problem because they are rich in iron. The sugar content in dates is sugar that is easily absorbed by the body, so even though they are sweet, they are safe for consumption by diabetics. The benefits of dates for pregnant women are not only for themselves but to support the growth of the baby in the womb.

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Benefits of Dates for Pregnant Women

We will review the benefits of dates for pregnant women, let’s see what are the benefits.

Health benefits of dates for pregnant and fetus

1. Shrink the uterus

The benefits of dates after childbirth are to shrink the uterus. Shrinking the blood vessels in the uterus, so that later it can make the uterus shrink, this is because dates contain the hormone potuchsin.

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2. Launched milk production

Breast milk is an important food for pregnant women that is really needed by the fetus, no matter how expensive you buy baby milk, breast milk is still irreplaceable, so try to always have breast milk available, and one way to do it is by consuming dates. The benefits of dates for pregnant women are very pronounced in terms of breast milk, because they can facilitate breastfeeding for later babies. For those of you who are seductive, you can also consume dates.

3. Smooth defecation

Dates are a fruit that is rich in fiber as said in the health benefits of dates. Pregnant women who have just given birth are prohibited from pushing when defecating, because they are worried that the stitches may tear. Therefore, digestion must remain smooth, dates can be a solution. the fiber content in dates can smooth this one business.

4. Provide extra energy after childbirth

The benefits of dates for other pregnant women are to restore energy depleted during childbirth. For the knowledge that a date contains 1.8-2 percent, 2-4% fiber, 50-57% glucose

5. Good for the growth of the teeth under the gums

Indeed, 8 dates contain a lot of sugar, but there already contain 5 grams of fiber which is good for the body. In addition, the benefits of dates for pregnant women are to grow teeth under the gums in the fetus in the womb, this happens because of the high content of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in dates.

These are the benefits of dates for pregnant women and their wombs or fetuses. It is better if pregnant women do not skip consuming dates either before giving birth or after delivery.

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