List of Tasty and Healthy Foods for Low Blood Sufferers

Low blood pressure can also be life-threatening like high blood pressure, one of the things to watch out for is food.

Tasty and Healthy Foods for Low Blood Sufferers

Low blood pressure or hypotension is a health problem that many Indonesians experience apart from high blood pressure. When the blood pressure in the arteries is below normal blood pressure, the person is said to have hypotension. Low blood pressure can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and even fainting. The thing that must be considered for people who have suffered from low blood pressure is food. There are a number of foods that are good for them to eat, but some of them taste good and are good for the health of people with hypotension.

In its circulation, blood passes through the arteries and the measure of pressure of blood against the artery wall is called the measure of blood flow or blood pressure. When blood pressure becomes low, it indicates that blood flow has become weak so that blood cannot be fulfilled to vital organs such as the kidneys and brain. As a result, there was dizziness, body shaking, and even lost consciousness or fainted.

Blood pressure is measured in two ways, there are systolic (upper number) and diastolic (lower number) blood pressure. If a person’s blood pressure is still normal, the size is still between 90/60 – 140/90. Meanwhile, hypotension or low blood pressure is when the blood pressure is below 90/60. Conversely, if the blood pressure is above 140/90 then a person is said to be suffering from high blood pressure.

List of Foods for Low Blood Pressure

For people with low blood pressure, apart from taking medication from a doctor, there are a number of foods for low blood pressure that must be consumed. We have compiled from various sources a list of delicious but good foods for low blood pressure. For those of you who are hypotensive, hurry up this food.

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1. Cereals

Healthy Foods for Low Blood Sufferers

Cereals are foods made from iron-rich grains, any iron-rich food is certainly good for raising blood pressure because iron triggers the production of red blood cells. For those of you who suffer from hypotension, you should get used to eating cereal, besides being delicious, this food is also good for health.

2. Coffee

Drinks to increase blood pressure

Then is coffee. This is indeed not food, but we include it as one that can raise blood pressure because this is a mandatory drink for Indonesians who are famous for their country of a thousand coffee shops. So, why can coffee boost blood pressure? Coffee is a drink that is made from coffee beans, coffee beans contain caffeine which causes a person not to be drowsy. Apart from not being sleepy, caffeine can also trigger a rise in low blood pressure.

Coffee besides containing caffeine, it also contains antioxidants which are good for preventing inflammation of the artery walls.

Also read: Benefits of Cleng Coffee , and Benefits of Coffee and Side Effects

3. Spinach

No wonder spinach is good for people with low blood pressure. The reason is because spinach is a food that contains folic acid and iron. Both can prevent anemia, which is low blood pressure. If you have watched the cartoon Popeye, you will know the power of Spinach or spinach, every time Popeye consumes spinach, his strength will increase. It is true, that spinach is good for the health of the body because it contains protein, calcium, vitamin A, potassium, and magnesium and one of the benefits is to prevent low blood pressure.


4. Banana

Bananas are healthy fruits and even contain vitamins and minerals that are not found in other fruits. One of the benefits of bananas is to stabilize blood pressure due to the high potassium in bananas. When blood flow is stable, there is no such thing as hypertension or hypertension.

5. Raisins

Furthermore, a delicious food that is good for low blood pressure is raisins. Raisins are grapes that have been dried and are usually added to cooking as a flavor enhancer, but there are also those who consume them directly. Raisins are quite sweet because they contain a lot of sugar in them, if they are dried, the sugar will not disappear but crystallize in the raisins.

One of the benefits of consuming raisins is controlling the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are glands that have a function to regulate and control blood pressure. So, to get this benefit, people with low blood pressure need to consume raisins.

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6. Olives

Next, a good food for low blood pressure is olives. Olives contain vitamin E, iron and zinc. The taste of olives is sour and salty so this fruit is good for low blood pressure. The saltiness of a food can increase blood pressure. So, for those who consume olives regularly it is very good for preventing hypotension.

7. Egg

Eggs are rich in vitamin B12 which is good for blood pressure balance. So consume eggs only once a day to meet the body’s needs. You can cook eggs the way you want either frying them in the kitchen, boiling, scrambling because eggs are delicious food even if cooked in any way.

8. Red meat

Red meat

Red meat is a good food to prevent anemia or less, all types of red meat can provide strength for those of you who consume it and prevent anemia. So be diligent about consuming meat as long as it is lawful. Red meat contains vitamin B12 which is good for preventing blood deficiency symptoms such as anemia and others.

9. Chicken’s liver

When slaughtering a chicken you should save the “liver” of the chicken as a remedy for low blood pressure. Chicken liver contains folate which functions to raise hypotensive blood pressure.

10. Nuts

Furthermore, healthy and tasty for low blood pressure are nuts. This is a vegetable that takes a long time to process in the stomach so it can increase blood pressure. Nuts are high-fiber vegetables that are good for health. Peanuts are heliotropic plants whose leaves face the sun in the day and at night the leaves curl.

11. Almond nut

Food for those with low blood

Among nuts, there are almonds that are ranked the highest as a food for people with low blood pressure. Almonds are a type of nut that is good for people with low blood pressure because these nuts can increase your blood. To get 6% of daily iron for the body, it is recommended to consume almonds as much as 1 ounce a day. Not only useful, but almonds are also cheap and easy to get in markets.

12. Grapes

Fruit for people with low blood pressure

Among the fruits that are good for preventing low blood pressure are grapes. Grapes are one that is important in the formation of red blood cells. In addition, this delicious fruit also contains a number of nutrients that are good for overall health such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin B12, vitamins C and K, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, and manganese.

Not only that, but grapes are also good at preventing various diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, insomnia and others.

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13. Avocado Fruit

Furthermore, in the list of fruits for low blood pressure sufferers is avocado. Avocado is rich in unsaturated fats so it is good for the body’s metabolism because this fat is needed for metabolic processes. In addition, avocados are also rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1 and vitamin C so they are undoubtedly good for increasing red blood cells.

14. Dragon fruit

dragon fruit increases low blood pressure

Dragon fruit is also classified as iron-rich fruit which is good for increasing blood pressure and preventing low blood pressure. This dragon-like scaly fruit contains iron, vitamins B1, B3, B12, and vitamin C.

For the purpose of adding blood, we should consume red dragon fruit because it is mostly in terms of iron content. As we know that there are many varieties of dragon fruit, such as red dragon fruit, yellow dragon fruit and white dragon fruit. So, take the red flesh, in addition to low blood pressure, dragon fruit is also very high in antioxidants which are good enough for various health purposes.

15. Orange fruit

fruit for people with low blood pressure

Who would have thought that orange fruit was a blood booster. The reason is because this fruit is rich in substances that support blood growth such as iron, magnesium, calcium, folic acid, copper, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and of course, quite a lot of vitamin C.

Just like dragon fruit, oranges are also rich in antioxidants which can increase immunity from free radicals.

16. Red guava

Red guava

One of the benefits of red guava is to increase red blood. This fruit has a sweet taste and is often juiced. This fruit contains many essential nutrients for health such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C and iron and several other minerals.

Because it is high in iron and good for increasing blood, red guava fruit is a recommendation for those affected by dengue. Guava fruit or in English called Guava is very helpful in the formation of red blood cells in dengue hemorrhagic fever sufferers.

17. Broccoli

Tasty and Healthy Foods for Low Blood

Broccoli is a type of vegetable with cauliflower but it is green in color. These vegetables are rich in iron and omega 3 fatty acids. Both of these substances are very important in building health, especially in pregnant women. In fact, broccoli can be the best food to prevent anemia in pregnant women. In addition, mothers can get omega 3 fatty acids which are very important for the health of the baby, especially for growth.

18. Water Spinach

Water Spinach for low blood sufferer

Water spinach is a green vegetable that is rich in iron and vitamin A. If you lack blood or have a history of low blood pressure, try consuming water spinach regularly. This is an inexpensive vegetable that is easy to find anywhere but has high health value.

You can grow water spinach yourself in the yard, or buy it in the market at a low price. Even if you live id villages, you can get green vegetables kale in paya, river or in ditches. He grew a lot by himself fertile.

19. Katuk leaves

These are the leaves of nursing mothers because the benefits of katuk leaves are to increase the milk of nursing mothers. In addition, katuk leaves are also useful for increasing blood because it is rich in iron. In addition to iron, katuk leaves also contain vitamin K, beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), vitamin B, vitamin C and contain several other minerals such as potassium and phosphorus.

How to Overcome Low Blood

For people with low blood pressure or hypotension, they can do the following to increase blood pressure, including:

  1. Consume foods that are high in salt or sodium because they can stimulate a rise in blood. However, if you are old, before adding a lot of salt to your diet, please consult your doctor first.
  2. Avoid standing for too long as it can cause low blood pressure
  3. Sleeping with a pillow high on the head, on top of the pillow on the head is important so that when you wake up you don’t experience low blood pressure.
  4. Drink lots of water to increase blood volume and prevent dehydration because lack of body fluids can also cause lack of blood or low blood pressure.
  5. Drinking coffee in the morning is also good for increasing blood flow and improving focus
  6. Don’t drink alcohol. If you are already diagnosed with low blood pressure then don’t try to consume alcoholic drinks.

If our low blood pressure is still there and it doesn’t go up even though you have tried all of the foods above then consult your doctor who knows you also have other health problems that need to be treated.

Those are some types of foods for low blood pressure. These foods are not only good for preventing low blood pressure but also have a pretty good taste to eat.

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