Here are the Best and Worst Foods for Fibroid

Here are the Best and Worst Foods for Fibroid

Here are the Best and Worst Foods for Fibroid

Before we look at what foods are good and what are bad for fibroid, we must first know what fibroid is.

What Fibroid Is?

Fibroid are abnormal cell growths in the uterus. This disease is also known by names such as uterine fibroids, myoma, fibro leiomyoma, fibromyoma, and this problem is very common. The estimate is that 3 out of four women suffer from this.

Fibroids do not have the potential to be cancerous and to become cancerous is very unlikely, such as leiomyosarcoma. However, the condition of fibroid can usually cause many other problems such as abdominal swelling, pain during menstruation, urinary problems, and can even prevent normal birth.

Fibroid can be very small and difficult to see with the naked eye, and they can be so large that they damage the uterus. Some cases of fibroid can shrink or enlarge quickly and can even disappear without the need for treatment from a doctor.

To prevent and avoid fibroids, there seems to be no special way. However, after you are diagnosed with fibroids, you must take care of your health. This means that there are foods that are bad for people with fibroids and there are foods that are good for people with fibroids to eat. So there are certain foods that can help you and there are foods that can make your condition worse. Let’s see what foods can help treat your fibroids and vice versa.

Why are there good and bad foods for fibroids? This is because it is related to balancing hormones which can help manage the development of fibroids and their symptoms. The hormone that plays a role here is the hormone estrogen. The hormone estrogen is one of the causes of the appearance of new fibroids. One way to balance hormones is to change your diet. So it’s important for you to know what are the best foods for fibroids and the worst foods, so that with these foods you can start changing your diet and in turn can help treat and cure your fibroids.

Worst Foods for Fibroids

for fibroid sufferers who want to reduce their size or want to maintain their size so they don’t get bigger, then the step you have to take is to balance hormones. The way to balance hormones is to regulate your diet through certain foods. So, before you take other methods, the treatment for fibroids is to consume and avoid certain foods.

For the best results in managing fibroids, then you need to limit the following foods and drinks or what we call the worst foods for fibroids.

Worst Foods for Fibroids: What to Eliminate

High-Fat, Processed Meats:

Processed red meat is known to contain additional hormones that can exacerbate the condition of fibroid sufferers, it contains the hormone estrogen.

High-Fat Dairy Products:

Conventional dairy foods are rich in hormones, steroids, and other chemicals that increase inflammation in the body.

Foods High in Salt:

Foods high in salt, this is heavy on your liver’s performance. The liver is a very important organ in digesting and removing toxins to balance hormones. So, avoid foods high in salt or salty foods.

See too: Incredible Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Refined Carbohydrates:

These are white foods like white rice, pasta, white bread, cakes, which are known to change a person’s estrogen and can increase the size of your fibroids. In addition, foods such as potato chips, boxed cereal, and anything containing corn syrup can cause problems and make fibroids worse because these foods raise blood sugar and trigger the body to produce more insulin.

Foods containing Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):

Monosodium glutamate is said to be an artificial food ingredient that can increase blood sugar, indeed this is not scientifically proven, but this has been linked to obesity and excess body weight. Obesity can mess with hormones, so it’s been linked to adverse effects on your fibroids.

Soy bean:

Soybeans are foods that contain phytoestrogens, these are compounds that act as estrogen in the body. High estrogen levels can impact the growth of fibroids.

Even the latest research says that the soy diet can change fertility, trigger early puberty, and this also has an impact on pregnant inu on fetal development. So, for those of you who suffer from fibroids, you should limit soy consumption in order to stabilize your hormone levels.

Refined Sugar:

Refined sugar can cause inflammation and lead to weight gain or obesity. So, there is a relationship between weight gain and the hormone estrogen.


Caffeine does have health benefits as long as it is consumed in moderation, if you eat too much caffeine then you will experience stress on the liver. This makes the liver work improperly. So, of course the body can not balance the hormones.

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Alcohol is a cause of inflammation in the body, so people who are often drunk have unhealthy thoughts. When inflammation occurs in the body, the body no longer functions as it should. Thus, eliminating alcohol in the body can improve immunity and balance hormones.

See too: Does Drinking Alcohol Cause Arthritis?

Best Foods for Fibroids: Foods to Consume

There are already many foods and drinks that can make your fibroids worse and you should avoid a series of these foods. But don’t panic, because there are many other foods that you can eat and even have to eat because these foods can control your fibroids and can even improve your overall health.

What are the best foods for fibroids? Here we see one by one.

  1. Organic foods: Among the best foods for fibroids are fiber-rich foods like broccoli. These foods can limit your appetite so you don’t eat too full. Thus, foods like these can promote weight loss and this can lower hormones so they are good for fibroids.
  2. Green leafy vegetables: These green foods are vegetables rich in beta-carotene such as sweet potatoes and carrots. These foods can increase fertility, this is something that fibroids block.
  3. Other foods that are best for fibroids are iron-rich foods such as legumes and grass-fed beef.
  4. Apart from the foods above, it is good for people with fibroids to consume foods such as:
  5. Flaxseeds
  6. Quinoa
  7. Whole grains
  8. Citrus and orange. Research shows that women who eat two servings of oranges every day can reduce the risk of fibroids.

In addition to the best and worst foods for fibroids, there are also several supplements that can reduce or maintain fibroid size. Among these supplements are Vitex, fish oil, and B-complex. They are supplements that can lower levels of the hormone estrogen.

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