25 Tourist Attractions in Medan and Its Surroundings

Tourist Attractions in Medan

Tourist Attractions in Medan – Medan is the third major city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. As a metropolitan, there are so many tourist attractions in Medan and it is suitable for you to visit. Medan is a city with a diversity of tribes, cultures and ethnicities and has many unique and interesting places to hang out or relax while enjoying the natural scenery on weekends.

The capital city of North Sumatra is not only rich in culture and customs but is also an area that is very rich in tourist attractions. One of the most famous tourist destinations in Medan is the beauty of Lake Toba, which is the largest volcanic lake in the world. Not only hits in Indonesia, but Lake Toba is well known to foreign countries.

The beauty of Lake Toba is not only in its clear water but also the beautiful and extraordinary surrounding scenery and Samosir Island which is located in the middle of the lake which adds to the beauty and elegance of Lake Toba.

If you want to have a vacation in Medan, not only can you visit the Toba Fund but there are still many other tourist attractions that are no less interesting and can become your tourist destination. Let’s just take a look below at some tourist attractions in Medan which are very beautiful and amazing.

List of Tourist Attractions in Medan

1. Upside Down World

Upside Down World, Tourist Attractions in Medan. Photo by @suparmin09

Upside Down World is one of the most attractive tourist destinations and has been visited by many funds, including the places that are currently being hit. As the name implies, this is a tourist place that carries the concept of an inverted world so that it becomes very interesting for you to visit.

Here you can take pictures with various interesting spots and backgrounds like in a dream, with the actual upside down position. Everything you find here is upside down, both the bedroom, dining table, toilet and others.

The durian stall which is a famous place in Medan has been turned upside down, the point is that the experience of visiting here is very exciting. The location for this exciting tour is on Jl. K.H. Wahid Hasyim No. 29 Medan, North Sumatra.

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2. The Le Hu Garden Medan

The Le Hu Garden Medan, Medan tourist attractions, Photo by @ rama170197

The Le Hu Garden Medan is another tourist spot in Medan that is full of romantic nuances, perfect for those who are in love or on a shower month. This place carries a very thick Balinese concept and is good enough for taking selfies because the location is very instagrammable.

This tourist spot which is located on Jl. Deli Tua – Pancur Batu also provides a lot of entertainment such as highly qualified outbound activities such as Flying Fox and ATV. There is also a cafe here with very affordable menu prices.

3. Hillpark Sibolangit

Hillpark Sibolangit, tourist attractions in Medan

Apart from visiting Lake Toba, you can also try visiting the tourist spot Hillpark Sibolangit. Here you can enjoy various games such as roller coster, ferris wheel and kora-kora, all of which are very exciting.

Visiting with family and children is perfect for entertaining and filling holidays or weekends. This millennial tourist spot is located on Jl. Raya Brand KM 9. Deli Serdang, Medan, North Sumatra.

4. Menara Pandang Tele

menara pandang tele. Photo by @rifai_ifay_

Tourist attractions in this one field are complementary when you head to Lake Toba’s destination. This is a different three-story tower with different visibility.

At the height of this tower, we can enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba and the Samosir islands which are located in the middle. To the left of this tower you will find the beauty of the legendary pusuk mountain. While to the right of the terraced panadang tower you can see the beauty of the houses with extraordinary arrangements and the added beauty of the surrounding mountains as the background.

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The location of the Tele View Tower is in Tele, Harian District, Samosir, North Sumatra.

5. Kampung Ladang

Kampung Ladang. Photo by @ndriqpotret

KAMPUNG LADANG is an extraordinary tourist spot for your family. Here you can feel a beautiful romantic atmosphere plus the beauty of the pool, river and several huts that have been provided.

Because tourist attractions in this field are considered romantic, so many of those who give up their bachelor days make this place a place for pre-wedding photo hunting. The beauty of KAMPUNG LADANG is more complete with the grass, flower gardens and artificial swings.

KAMPUNG LADANG, which is located in Tanjung Anom, Deli Serdang, Medan, North Sumatra, can also be used as a place for pre-wedding or immortalizing a wedding photto for only 1.5 million rupiah.

6. Kampung keling

kampung keling india Medan, wikipedia.org

KAMPUNG KELING is one place that you deserve to visit. Medan is a big city that lives a variety of ethnicities and ethnic groups, one of the ethnic groups living in Medan is Indian.

You can find the atmosphere of India in this metropolitan city, even the terrain is also known as The little India, it’s only natural that many Indian cultures and places of worship are found. Not only can you see the Indian life, but in Medan there are also many Indian nuances that you can taste, but for those of you who are Muslim, make sure to taste the food at Muslim restaurants, ok?

7. Merdeka Walk Medan

Merdeka Walk Medan, tempat wisata di Medan

Merdeka Walk Medan is a place to hang out as well as relieve your fatigue with your family. If you are crazy, don’t forget to stop by here. This place is busy in the afternoon and evening with a variety of special Medan food menus that you can try.

Merdeka walk also has a unique place called the peace center, and this is the spot most visited by young people like you. Usually in this peace center you get a lot of shows and entertainment.

Merdeka wwalk is located on Jl. City Hall, West Medan, Kesawan, Medan City, North Sumatra.

8. Taman Labirin Simalem Resort

Taman Labirin Simalem Resort, Photo by @tamansimalemresort

The next tourist spot is the Lake Toba area which is known as Taman Labyrinth Simalem Resort. In this place you will find a lanirin garden which is arranged with green plants so that it shows a romantic nuance. You can try taking a walk here with your lover while taking an evening walk.

You can try to enter this maze park and feel the sensation, whether you can get lost or not. If you get to the gate, there will be a fountain monument which can be a spot for taking selfies. This labyrinth park is located in Bukit Brand, Tanah Karo, Medan, North Sumatra.

9. Wonders Water World

Tourist Destinations in Medan, Wonders Water World

This is a tourist spot in Medan that carries the concept of water rides. For those of you who have children, you can try this destination to provide a joy and a fun atmosphere for your children. One of the games that you enjoy doing is water slides, there are as many as many of the slides that you can try, maybe one you can and have had time to try because of the many queues.

Wonders Water World is a tourist spot that has international standard and is often called an international waterboom. Open from 10.00 – 18.30, and the location is Suka Damai area, Polonia, Medan, North Sumatra.

10. Taman Mora Indah

Taman Mora Indah, tempat wisata di medan

Besides WWW (Wonder Water World), there are other water rides that you can visit, this is Tamana Mora. Some of the services you can try at Mora Park are flying fox, a swimming pool for children, an adult pool, and a high slide with a height of 20 meters. Wow, this is very exciting, guys.

If you have played with water or are tired, you can enjoy delicious culinary delights with various flavors in this place. The location is Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Bangun Mulia, Amplas, Medan, North Sumatra.

11. Rahmat Gallery Medan

For history lovers, you can visit the Rahmat Gallery Museum which stores a variety of preserved rare animals or animals.

it sounds brutal, yes, it is true that the animal is original animal that has been preserved, but they did not intentionally kill it for the purpose of preserving it, but the animal that was preserved died by itself.

Rahmat Gallery Museum which is located on Jl. S. Parman, Medan City, North Sumatra at least until now has collected 1000 preserved animals.

12. Danau Linting

North Sumatra tourist attractions, Medan

Another tourist spot in Medan is the linting lake. Daanau Linting has very clear water, although it is not too large when compared to Lake Toba, but Lake Linting also has a beauty that deserves to be taken into account.

The lake which is located in Sibunga-bunga Hilir Village, STM Hulu District, Deli Serdang is increasingly beautiful with natural rocks in the lake so that it provides extraordinary beauty to enjoy.

13. Sibolangit Nature Reserve

Cagar Alam Sibolangit

Furthermore, tourist attractions in Medan, North Sumatra that you deserve to visit are the Sibolangit nature reserve. This place is perfect for those of you who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city of Medan.

This Sibolangit Nature Reserve is still very natural and beautiful so it is perfect for releasing fatigue and looking for a safe and quiet atmosphere from the crowd, even many who come here looking for a romantic atmosphere with their partner.

This tourist spot carries the concept of Go Green by applying greening as a form of support for preventing the greenhouse effect or global warming.

14. Medan Zoo

Photo by Insanpariwisatasite.wordpress.com

For those of you who are happy with fauna, maybe the Medan Zoo can be a great solution for you to enjoy animals while bringing your children to know many types of animals. Not only animals that you can enjoy, but there are also outbound rides as a place to play.

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The Medan zoo is on an area of 30 hectares, enough to allow you to enjoy various types of pets.

15. Funland Mickey Holiday

Tempat wisata di medan, Funland Mickey Holiday

For the purpose of playing for children in Medan, you can take a tourist destination to Funland Mickey Holiday. Indeed, this playground is a bit far from the city for around 2-3 hours but it can provide extraordinary entertainment for you and your children and family.

This is the largest outdoor funpark in Sumatra where there are more than 35 rides that you can enjoy. The location is on Jl. Lieutenant General. Jamin Ginting, Sempajaya, Kec Brastagi, Karo, North Sumatra.

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