Definition of Pancasila: Meaning, Purpose, and Function of Pancasila for the Indonesian State

Definition of Pancasila

What Does Pancasila Mean?

As Indonesians, do we understand the meaning of Pancasila? What does Pancasila actually mean for Indonesia? Pancasila is the ideology and foundation of the Republic of Indonesia. This means that Pancasila is the basis for regulating the Indonesian state by prioritizing all components throughout the territory of Indonesia.

The word “pancasila” is etymologically derived from the Indian Sanskrit, namely the word Panca means “five” and sila means “basic”. So Pancasila is interpreted as “the five bases”.

The foundation of this country was made by the founders of the nation so that this country has a strong foundation in carrying out and filling independence. So, Indonesia now has a foundation and a foundation as a state. Based on this foundation, Indonesia became a strong country, not easily colonized by colonialism.

The foundation of the Pancasila state is then symbolized by the eagle, whose chest contains stars, chains, beiringin trees, bull’s head, rice and cotton. So it is called the symbol of this country with the name Garuda Pancasila.

The following are the five precepts as the basis for the Indonesian state in Pancasila:

1. One Godhead
2. Just and civilized humanity
3. Indonesian Unity
4. Community led by wisdom in deliberation/representation
5. Social justice for all Indonesian people.

That’s a glimpse of Pancasila as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia. The following is the understanding of the five precepts according to experts.

1. Pancasila according to ir. Soekarno

He said that Pancasila is the soul of the Indonesian people who have been silenced from generation to generation by western culture. So, Pancasila does not only function as the philosophy of the state but also as the philosophy of the Indonesian nation.

2. Pancasila according to Muhammad Yamin

He Muhammad Yamin said that Pancasila comes from two words, namely panca which means five daan precepts which means joints or the basis or rules of good and important behavior. It means that Pancasila is the five basic contents of which are guidelines and good behavior.

3. Pancasila according to Notonegoro

Notonegoro said that Pancasila is the philosophy and ideology of the state and it is hoped that this will become the way of life of the Indonesian people. Pancasila is to unite the nation, as the defense of the nation and state of the Republic of Indonesia.

A Brief History of Pancasila

Historically, the term Pancasila has existed since the days of the Srivijaya and Majapahit kingdoms. Indeed, at that time, it was not written and written concretely, but it was practiced and carried out in work life and in society.

In our Sutasoma by MPU Tantular, paancasila has the meaning of the five joints. Can also be interpreted as “the implementation of the five precepts”.

Apart from the Mpu Tantular book, Pancasila is also written in our Buddhism in Pali, namely Pancha Sila. Pancha sila is a basic moral teaching in Buddhism. This is part of the teachings of Siddharta Gautama and was followed by his followers.

The following is the content of the Pancha Precepts in Buddhism:

1. Aku bertekad melatih diri untuk menghindari pembunuhan.
2. Aku bertekad melatih diri untuk tidak mengambil barang yang tidak diberikan.
3. Aku bertekad melatih diri untuk tidak melakukan perbuatan asusila.
4. Aku bertekad untuk melatih diri menghindari ucapan yang tidak benar (berbohong, berdusta, fitnah, omong kosong).
5. Aku bertekad untuk melatih diri menghindari segala minuman dan makanan yang dapat menyebabkan lemahnya kewaspadaan.

Pancasila Functions for the Indonesian Nation

After we see the meaning of Pancasila and the contents of the five precepts in Pancasila, now we see what the functions of Pancasila are for the life of the Indonesian people so that the Indonesian people can practice the meaning of Pancasila in their daily life.

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1. Pancasila as the soul of the Indonesian nation

All countries in the world have their own souls and the Indonesian state has been decided by the founders of the nation that Pancasila is the soul of the nation so that the Indonesian people are expected to be able to carry out the values of Pancasila in their daily life.

2. Pancasila as the national personality

Indonesia is a unique country that has its own personality, where Pancasila is not only the soul of the nation but also its personality. The values ​​of Pancasila are manifested as noble values ​​in everyday life so that this Pancasila is said to be the national personality.

3. Pancasila as the source of all sources of law

Pancasila also functions as the source of all sources of law. Law in Indonesia is based on Pancasila, meaning that every law applied in the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia must not conflict with the values ​​of Pancasila.

4. Pancasila as the nation’s view of life

The nation’s view of life here is defined as an indication of the life of the nation where in daily life the behavior of the nation must be in accordance with the Pancasila values. The ideals and culture of the nation must also come from Pancasila as a symbol of strong unity.

5. Pancasila as the goals and ideals of the nation

The aspiration of the Indonesian state is to create prosperity and prosperity for all regions in Indonesia. This is as stated in the 1945 Constitution in explaining the meaning of Pancasila.

6. Pancasila functions as the nation’s philosophy

Furthermore, the function of Pancasila is as a national philosophy, in which the values ​​of Pancasila are considered as the most true, just, wise, and unifying the nation. This is the reason that makes Pancasila the nation’s philosophy.

7. Pancasila as the basis of the state

Pancasila also functions as the basis for the Republic of Indonesia. This shows that the arrangement of the Indonesian nation must always be based on Pancasila.

8. Pancasila as the noble agreement of the Indonesian people

Pancasila functions as a result of the agreement and struggle of the Indonesian nation with the nation’s founder. So, all elements of the nation and the people of Indonesia must defend Pancasila because this is the result of a mutual agreement. Not only defending, it must also support, and fight for the noble values ​​contained in Pancasila.

The goal of Pancasila

What is the real purpose of Pancasila? After we know its function, we now look at the objectives of this country’s philosophy based on the 1945 Constitution.

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The purpose of Pancasila is stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, namely as the basis of the state, in the sense that Pancasila is a guideline in regulating the running of the Indonesian government.

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Pancasila is the way of life or philosophy of life of the Indonesian nation which later became the life goal of the Indonesian nation. This is in line with what is stated in the MPR Decree No. 11 / MPR / 1978 dated March 22, 1978, the contents of which are as follows:

“Sesungguhnya sejarah telah mengungkapkan bahwa pancasila adalah jiwa seluruh rakyat Indonesia yang memberikan kekuatan hidup kepada bangsa Indonesia serta membimbingnya dalam kehidupan lahir batin yang makin baik dalam masyarakat Indonesia yang adil dan makmur. Bahwasanya pancasila yang telah diterima dan ditetapkan sebagai dasar Negara seperti yang telah diuji kebenarannya, keampuhan dan kesaktiannya sehingga tidak ada satupun kekuatan maupun juga yang mampu memisahkan Pancasila dari kehidupan bangsa Indonesia”.

That is our brief review of Pancasila, especially as it relates to the meaning, function and purpose of Pancasila in accordance with the 1945 Constitution. Hopefully this is useful!

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