12 Drinks that Can Melt Belly Fat

12 Drinks that Can Melt Belly Fat

Dieting to lose weight is very challenging, especially in the holiday season when you have to limit your favorite foods. If you see your waist circle is too big, don’t want to lose to fat. But you are stronger in attacking fat and melting your belly and waist fat with a variety of healthy drinks. There are a number of drinks that can melt your belly fat, sometimes some of it is already in your fridge. You can enjoy the drink while you are working on breaking down belly fat and melting it.

Drinking certain drinks will reduce your belly fat. However, until now we have not found a drink that can lose belly fat quickly in a short time. Consuming these drinks will be more optimal when you pair them with exercise, and a serious and consistent diet.

Also see: How to Reduce a Distended Stomach with a Diet

To help you lose weight, we’ve put together a number of healthy drinks that can help you. There are 13 drinks that can melt your belly fat, and these are great when combined with diet and exercise. This drink does not work overnight, but with this drink regularly, you can trim a few inches of your waist circle. Here are some alternative drinks that can melt belly fat, pay attention to one by one and consume regularly the one you like.

1. Green Tea

One drink that is useful for melting belly fat is green tea. Green tea is an antioxidant-rich beverage with enormous health benefits. Antioxidants are useful to reduce inflammation, reduce belly fat. The way antioxidants work in the body is to prevent and reduce cell damage from free radicals that can cause obesity and difficulty losing weight.

Now green tea has become a popular drink as a hot drink in the morning. Now it’s not only the taste that many people are looking for, but the benefits of green tea that can lose weight are one of the reasons why many drink green tea. People say that drinking green tea is a refreshing way to lose weight. So, do not let you not add green tea in your daily diet.

2. Consume Kombucha

If you don’t like tea, there are other alternatives that can help you lose weight. This is by consuming kombucha. What is kombucha? It is a source of probiotics that support gut bacteria, and reduce inflammation in the gut. That’s what Kelly Springer, MS, RD, CDN and national spokesperson for Kelly’s Choice said.

Kombucha drink can make anyone tempted, it has a refreshing sour taste and is very enjoyable to drink. To lose weight, we recommend consuming kombucha every day. Check out our article on “how to drink Kombucha for weight loss“.

3. Protein Water

Protein water is one of the best alternatives to maintain your energy after a workout. This is easier for you to prepare than having to make protein shakes and protein drinks are low-calorie drinks. The benefits of protein are that it increases protein synthesis, makes you feel full, and can support the immune system.

See too: When It Comes To Protein, How Much Is Too Much?

If you like protein shakes and have never tried protein water, you can give it a try. Sometimes these protein drinks can change the way you hydrate your body.

4. Coffee

A cup of coffee in the morning can lift the spirit of your day. Drinking coffee in the morning can burn your belly fat slowly. Experts even believe that a cup of coffee regularly in the morning can trim a few inches of your waist circle.

Why coffee can melt your belly fat? Not because coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is useful in accelerating the body’s metabolism so that it can burn a lot of body calories. So said Dr. Nikola Djordjevic, MD, GP.

5. Black Tea

Besides coffee, there is another drink that is useful for melting belly fat, this is black tea. Black tea also contains caffeine and flavonoids and the benefits are that it increases the body’s metabolism and is good for digestive health. So said Dr. Djordjevic.

If you don’t like coffee but want to get a supply of caffeine, then black tea is the choice. This is a fresh and fun way to shrink belly circles and a fun way to destroy belly fat. See more: Black Tea health benefits!

6. Raw Apple Cider

Raw apple cider vinegar is a liquid that contains acetic acid that lowers insulin levels. This will suppress appetite and increase body performance (body metabolism). It doesn’t taste very pleasant, so as long as you don’t have a problem with the taste, then raw apple cider vinegar is the right choice to melt belly fat. You can also use raw apple cider vinegar in your salads for added flavor.

See also: Apple Cider Vinegar: Health Benefits, Side Effects and How To Use It

Drinking vinegar sometimes sounds strange and unique, but you should know that now there are so many different types of vinegar available. But as a remedy to melt fat, you can drink raw apple cider vinegar and this will help burn calories and body fat.

7. Ginger Tea

A cup of ginger tea is a great option for weight loss for those of you who don’t like caffeine. If you don’t like drinking coffee, black tea, just try this traditional and ancient drink. Ginger tea will refresh your throat and give your body a good metabolic performance.

Ginger tea can also reduce your appetite, increase calorie expenditure, and be the perfect boost for exercise, so it’s a great drink to drink before you take on a workout assignment.

See too: Is Arizona Green Tea Good for You?

8. Raw Vegetable Juice

One drink that can melt belly fat is raw vegetable juice. Vegetable juices are low in carbohydrates, rich in fiber, and they speed up satiety thereby preventing you from overeating. So said Dr. Djordjevic.

You should have more vegetables than bread or rice. Vegetables rich in fiber can help you burn more calories, burn belly fat, and this can make you always have good stamina.

9. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice, this is a classic drink that can help you lose belly fat. So, in addition to raw vegetable juice, you can try lemon juice. It is also among the best substitutes for raw apple cider vinegar.

Lemon juice is a great liquid in reducing and melting belly fat, this is because it is rich in vitamin C, rich in antioxidants, and helps speed up your digestive system. Dr. Djordjevic.

If you want less acid, then you can add more water in a glass of lemon water.

See more: The Benefits of Lemon Water: Detox Your Body & Skin

10. Pineapple Juice

If you don’t like lemon juice, there are other options you can try to trim a few inches of your belly circle. For a more refreshing option, try nourishing your body with pineapple juice.

Pineapple juice is juice that contains the enzyme bromelain from pineapples. This enzyme has tremendous benefits for your digestive system, said Dr. Djordjevic said.

11. Psyllium husk

Psyllium husk is a fiber-rich food, you can include it in a glass of your drinking water. Psyllium husk is useful for treating digestive problems.

It’s a loss if you never drink Psyllium husk, this is a fiber-rich body nutrient that can make you healthy.

Psyllium husk is the best choice for weight loss. If you don’t like apple cider vinegar, don’t like ginger, or don’t like sour lemon juice, then Psyllium husk is the best choice for you.

Usually, Psyllium husk is taken as a supplement or mixed directly in drinking water. It is actually a raw fiber taken from the Plantago Ovata plant, it can absorb water in the intestines, is good for digestion, and one of its biggest advantages is that it does not cause bloating, and stabilizes gas in the intestines.

12. Flat Water

Water is the best natural ingredient for belly fat management. Water is not only essential for life, it can also give you a feeling of fullness. Especially when you take it with meals, snacks between meals. If you feel hungry between meals and don’t want to increase your daily calories.

When you need to lose weight, water can be a solution to fill you up and burn calories.

The Bottom Line

Melting belly fat is not easy. The difficulty lies in your principles and interests in losing weight. Without a strong interest, without a consistent desire, then all your efforts can be in vain. So, if you have chosen to lose weight, then be consistent with the treatment you choose.

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